The Founder Of Fake Fabulous

Samantha Blair
Samantha is a founder of Fake Fabulous, 40+ Fashion and Style Blogger. She is also a freelance Blogger with over two years experience of working in the apparel and fashion industry. Skilled in Management, communication and Social Media. Very experienced specialist biomedical scientist with twenty years experience in Clinical Chemistry with a specific interest in quality management.
“Fake Fabulous is all about having fun with fashion“
Hello there, welcome to Fake Fabulous! I just can’t tell you how excited I am to share my stories, ideas and also experience with all of you on this website. You might be wondering, why do I call my website “Fake’ Fabulous? For me, Fake Fabulous is a way to describe the effort to try to look as good as I can without having a perfect figure like an ideal weight, height, posture and such. In short, Fake Fabulous is all about having fun with fashion, and that’s what I would love to share with you.
I have been in love with fashion for many years. Being a 40+ fashion and style blogger, my love for fashion has brought me into the world of fashion that believes everyone can look good by loving who they are. I believe that every woman is beautiful, and if she doesn’t know it yet, she needs to find it, and she needs her supportive friends to remind her of that. We are beautiful and we deserve to look our best.
Fake Fabulous was created with a mission to encourage women to feel happy and confident about themselves. One of the best ways to achieve that is by wearing good outfits, mixing and matching colors of your clothes, trying out new fashion trends, or wearing bold accessories. Again, fashion and style do not always need to be expensive. You just need to be smart and playful with it.
This website covers everything from the latest fashion trends, style tips, beauty reviews, smart shopping advice, and many more. So feel welcomed to browse more and find inspiring stories about the stuff that we all struggle with. Also, I encourage you to leave comments, share your opinions, or ask questions and let’s discuss all the stuff that we love and all the beautiful things that we have.
Last but not least, I hope this website is helpful, and let’s get connected through social media. You can follow my accounts below, and I hope to connect with you soon!
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