I really need your help this week lovely people!
I’m on the lookout for some of the best blogs of 2018.
Blogs that you love.
Blogs that you know are going to go from strength to strength in 2018!
Those blogs that you really enjoy following.
The ones where missing a post is not an option!
This all started when I was trying to find new and interesting blogs to read and possibly follow.
New names for my blogroll and new inspiration.
Much as I love the bloggers that are already on my blogroll, I am always looking for something new to add to the list!
Unfortunately, there are millions and millions of blogs and I find it hard to know where to start.
It’s too confusing not to mention time-consuming.
This is where you come in…
I’m not particularly interested in generic ‘perfect’ blogs, where everything is immaculate and wonderful and usually shot in an all-white-designer bubble!
I am, however, VERY interested in interesting people.
Men and women.
Over 40 and under 40.
People with spunk and passion.
I’m open to any blog genre too.
As long as it is written with love!
I’m hoping that, with your help, I’ll be able to share with you some fabulous ‘new’ blogs and bloggers.

Please leave me a comment, or (if you can’t/don’t want to comment) send me an email… samantha44blair(at)gmail.com or even tweet me!
I would love to hear about blogs YOU love.
If you could send the name of the blog, a URL or send me a link that would be grand!
{Remember, you can share more than one.}
Please also include the genre of the blog AND the reason you love it.
{Don’t forget to leave me YOUR URL (if you have one)}
Maybe we can discover something and/or someone new together?
I will (of course) be complaining a post containing these ‘new’ blogs and sharing what you love about them.
Stay tuned…
Last week at the #fakeituntilyoumakeit LINK UP the stunning Vale took my breath away in her velvet Pj’s and KILLER heels outfit… fabulous!
Read the full post HERE.