matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Matching Family Outfits for First Birthday Boy (30 Best Guides)

Wearing matching family outfits for first birthday boy might seem like something that some people wouldn’t do, but man they sound fun. After all, you’ll be celebrating the first birthday of your newest addition to your family! Even if you’re not hosting a party for your baby boy, you will still have the option to wear matching family outfits for first birthday boy.

As mentioned before, the idea of matching family outfits for first birthday boy won’t have to be based on formal outfits that you wore for parties. In fact, something casual can also work, and it depends on how you and your family will spend the day. We’re proud to announce that we have compiled a list of awesome and unique ideas of matching family outfits for first birthday boy that you can consider. 

1. Casual Outfits

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

As implied previously, wearing matching family outfits for first birthday boy won’t have to be something too formal. Instead, try to think of something that’s more casual. Perhaps, colorful shirts or tank tops might be great, especially for a fun night at the restaurant.

2. Triplet Combination

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Now let’s get to the juicy one. When you take a closer look at the picture, you’ll notice that the matching family outfits for first birthday boy are similar, but have different designs printed on them. Well, that’s what makes it fun, right? Find shirts that match your identity as well as help celebrate a lovely occasion

3. Blue-themed Outfits

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Blue closely resembles boys, just as pink perfectly symbolizes the women’s gender. For this particular idea, you won’t need to wear matching outfits with the same design or model. In fact, any models from plaid shirts to sleeveless dresses are welcomed as long as they are blue.  

4. Father and Son Duo!

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

A father and son chemistry can be built from as early as his first birthday. And if you’re just hosting a small and intimate party, it won’t hurt that you both can wear matching family outfits. One great idea is to wear a black shirt and blue jeans. Then, the mother can wear any kind of dress that she wants! How ‘bout that, right!

5. Brown Cardigan as an Extra Layer

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Feeling cold during the winter? No worries, because a nice, extra layering to your ensemble might just be enough to keep you warm. If you happen to wear dark pants, a brown cardigan should be good enough, as it will emanate a warming aura to those around you as well. 

6. White Tops

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

No need to bother in finding matching family outfits for birthday boys from top to bottom. In fact, simple tops that match each other will be more than enough. For a nice and friendly birthday party, we highly recommend white tops for you to wear. 

7. Black and White

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Now hold on a minute! We’re not recommending our next idea simply because of its black and white colors! However, wearing black shirts for the parents and a white shirt for the birthday boy might seem like a good idea! In fact, you can try wearing these outfits even after the birthday party is over. 

8. Cool Boys Together

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Boys will always be boys. If you happen to have an older son, then a first birthday party for his brother will probably be the best time to wear matching family outfits for the three of you. Perhaps, something cool like a white shirt with a tie will be fun. Then, you can wear jeans to finish off the ensemble. 

9. Shirts with Cartoon Characters on It

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Kids aren’t as exposed to TV as adults yet, let alone babies. We would be surprised if you let your child watch Deadpool at such an early age. We would be equally as surprised if he hasn’t watched Mickey Mouse yet. Therefore, a great idea is to wear matching Mickey Mouse shirts for his party. 

10. Let People Know that It’s His Birthday

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

What’s a fun way to let people know that your baby is having his first birthday? By wearing shirts that say exactly that? Yep! Wearing a commemorative shirt might just be the best way to show your enthusiasm towards your baby’s first birthday. Furthermore, you can also pair it with nice jeans, ripped or not. 

11. Long Trousers/Pants

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

One of the simplest matching family outfits for first birthday boy is to wear long trousers or pants. But in order for this idea to work, women must also comply! So, don’t wear minidress and find a nice pair of skinny jeans in your closet now. 

12. White Shirts, Blue Jeans

matching family outfits for first birthday boy
Source: Bass

The idea of wearing matching pants can evolve to something more specific and unique. Instead of finding random pants, you can ask the whole family to just wear blue jeans that will in turn be combined with a nice and casual plain white shirt. 

13. Use Shirts with Funny Quotes

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Matching shirts can have similar colors and models. If your outfit meets those criteria, then you’re free to have different designs printed on them. It’s highly recommended that you find shirts that have funny quotes. It would be even better if they are birthday-related as well. 

14. Brother and Baby

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Too lazy to find matching family outfits for first birthday boy for the entire family? Well, at least try to urge your sons to wear the same outfit for this one day. A great idea is to have them wear blue buttoned-down shirts. 

15. White Casual Shirts

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Thinking of throwing an intimate birthday party for your baby without inviting that many guests? For this occasion, you are very welcomed to find something casual. We ask you to consider wearing white shirts and long pants. To match the joyous theme, you can even wear white sneakers!

16. (Quite a) Formal Birthday Outfit

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Attending a birthday party is totally different than attending a work-related one. However, both dress codes might be similar in some ways. For a more formal approach to the attire, wearing matching outfits in the form of blue vests might be a great idea. You can even pair it with matching blue trousers. 

17. All-white Outfits

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

White outfits are always elegant to wear. Can you imagine if the whole family wear them? It’ll be a great way to celebrate your boy’s first birthday, right? This time, we’re going to give you the freedom to choose any model, as long as it’s white. Whether it’s tank tops or V-neck shirts, just go crazy!

18. Black Shirts for Parents, White Shirt for the Boy

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

It’s your son’s birthday! Let him be the king and center of attention. Therefore, it would be great if you wear something different (but still matches your partner) than your son. Perhaps, black shirts will suffice. Then, your baby can shine bright like a diamond with a white shirt. But if you insist on wearing something that matches, then white sneakers might be great. 

19. Fun Outfits

Fun Outfits

Little boys love to watch racing cars. So, why not celebrate his first birthday with something as epic as becoming a racer? To do this, all you need is find matching jackets for one of his favorite racing teams! Then, pose together with the whole family to immortalize this moment!

20. Matching Children, Matching Parents

Matching Children, Matching Parents

Some of you might have more than one son. For that matter, it would be a fun idea to wear matching outfits, but with a little bit of a tweaking on it. Parents can wear a set of matching family outfits, while children will wear another, preferably something unique like green shirts paired by jeans. 

21. All-black 


To balance out the elegance of an all-white outfit, we also urge you to try the opposite. By opposite, we don’t mean that it’s not elegant (because it definitely is), but rather the dark nature of an all-black outfit that is rather awesome. Although black is often associated with sadness, you can choose to destroy that stigma by pouring out cheerful vibes!

22. Wear Green Outfits

matching family outfits for first birthday boy

Birthdays are supposed to be celebrated in a fun way. What better way to reflect that mood than with your own outfit? Bearing that thought in mind, we’d like you to consider wearing something bright, like green shirts as your matching family outfits for first birthday boy. You can pair them with nice denim shorts. 

23. Parents! Wear Jeans

Parents! Wear Jeans

Although we know that there are jeans specifically made for babies, we’re going to overlook that for a while. Instead, it’s time for the parents to wear matching jeans. As for the upper half, we’re leaving it to your creative minds to decide. Your baby boy can then wear shirts and shorts for the day. 

24. Sporty Family

Sporty Family
Source: J

Your baby might be too young to learn basketball or go to a gym for a workout. However, style doesn’t recognize your age. Therefore, it would be great to wear matching basketball jerseys as an extra layering to your outfit. It’s one of the coolest matching family outfits for first birthday boy, especially if you’re celebrating it casually. 

25. All-red Outfit

All-red Outfit

Red is very bright. However, red is also cheerful and happy, which makes it the perfect color for a birthday dress code. So, make sure to wear an all-red outfit for the day, starting from your shirt/suit all the way to your sneakers. 

26. Everybody Needs White

Everybody Needs White

At first glance, you won’t notice anything that matches within the picture. But look again, and you’ll find a common denominator. Yep, it’s white outfits! This entry is a simple idea for those of you who aren’t interested in buying new outfits. Simply find one white outfit that you can wear in your ensemble, be it shirts or pants. 

27. Orange and Blue

Orange and Blue

Orange and blue outfits might turn out to be one of the most interesting and unique matching family outfits for first birthday boy. As a matter of fact, boys can try wearing orange shirts and blue jeans, while girls can wear a blue minidress and a denim jacket!

28. Gray Shirt and Blue Jeans

Gray Shirt and Blue Jeans

Orange shirts are too bright for your liking? Don’t worry, though! As an alternative, we’d like to present you with gray shirts. It’s a neutral color that can fit perfectly with any other outfit! To finish the combo, you can also choose to wear white sneakers. 

29. Relaxing Outfits

Relaxing Outfits
Source: Boutique

Matching family outfits for first birthday boy doesn’t have to have the same model or design. Heck, they surely don’t have to match in color. As long as all of them bring relaxing vibes to people around, then it’ll be fine! 

30. Who’s the Birthday Boy?

Who’s the Birthday Boy

Who’s the birthday boy? To make it even clearer, wearing a birthday shirt that screams “I am!” might be a funny and amazing idea. In fact, this kind of shirt might be best to be paired with blue jeans or trousers.  

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How Should a Baby Boy Dress for His First Birthday?

A baby boy can dress just like his parents for his first birthday. Dressing him with matching family outfits is fun and entertaining. Hence, try to wear shirts with the same color or design!

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