Having sensitive skin is certainly no laughing matter!
Skin that is prone to ferocious flare ups can be very embarrassing, as well as uncomfortable and unattractive.
Not to mention very expensive.
I have spent a small fortune over the years, trying out creams and various other products, in an attempt to find decent skin care that does not irritate my face.
Personally, my redness ranges from a burning/tingling “nippy” feeling to swollen, bumpy, spotty and downright frightening!
I have even been a dark purple shade once or twice.
{I was terrified my face would never calm down on one occasion}
Over the years, anyone who suffers from redness and sensitivity, tries to work out what their ‘triggers’ are.
Then we try to avoid them… which is not always easy.
My 3 main redness triggers:
1. Alcohol
This is the main one, for me, and very annoying.
My face can flare up after just a few sips of certain wines (or beers) and people assume that I am drunk!
Luckily, not all drinks do this, but there seems to be no definite pattern to my irritation.
Which is a shame, as it stops me being able to avoid certain brands or types of drink.
{I am glad to say that most cocktails don’t make me flare up, and I do make a mean margarita!}
2. Certain Cosmetic Products
(especially those containing SPF)
The annoyance of wasting money on a face cream is almost as bad as the misery of receiving a beautiful skincare gift set (from a friend) only to have to donate it back to that friend.
The worst offenders (for me) are…
I can’t use any of them.
I also have a huge list of other, cheaper, brands.
{So many mistakes}
I am an optimistic person, which is great for many aspects of life, but not so great for curtailing my enthusiasm for trying ‘new’ products…
This one could be the one!
Even products marketed at sensitive (or redness-prone) skin make me flare up when they contain a high SPF.
3. Changes in Seasons.
Changing seasons can really aggravate my skin.
My entire body feels like it is irritated, sore and itchy.
I have to wear plenty of cream (all year round) and protect it (physically) from the cold wind and frosty conditions, in Winter.
Other Triggers
- Sun exposure
- PMT, Menopause or other Hormonal imbalance
- Spicy food
- Emotional stress
- Hot baths or showers
- Air conditioning/heating
7 Ways to Help with Redness
1. Avoid touching your face
Try not to touch your face.
It is easy to fall into a habit of resting your hands on your chin, or rubbing your nose, etc.
But, it is a habit your MUST break.
Touching and rubbing your facial skin (with your hands) causes friction and deposits bacteria onto your skin.
Neither of which are good.
2. Cleanse your skin thoroughly, but gently
Cleaning your skin is important, especially if it is sensitive and prone to irritation.
I always do a double cleanse (at night).
Once, with a gentle makeup remover.
Then again, with either a cleansing balm or a face wash, depending on my mood.
I never wash my face in the morning.
Just a spritz of water, or alcohol-free toner, and a layer of moisturiser.
3. Don’t rub
Vigorous rubbing is the worst thing to do to your already aggravated skin.
Whatever you do to your face, do it gently.
Rubbing can cause broken capillaries to develop.
I have a lot of them around my nose, as a result of years of nose-blowing and rubbing.
{An unfortunate symptom of hay fever… mine was very bad when I was younger}
You could try applying moisturisers (and other products) with soft makeup brushes if your skin is particularly delicate.
4. Avoid your triggers (if you can)
Obviously, you want to enjoy life, and sometimes it is worth a little redness for a nice glass of wine!
But, if you know that a certain food/drink/product is going to cause you problems, it makes sense to try and find an alternative.
5. Natural is not always best!
So-called ‘natural’ products are not always the best for your sensitive (and redness prone) skin.
Some products marketed as natural contain essential oils.
I love essential oils (especially lavender) and appreciate that they smell fantastic as well as having wonderful properties.
If you are sensitive, lavender oil can be the worst thing for you to put on your face.
I flare up, badly, if lavender oil gets onto mine.
Although, other oils (such as germanium) are fine.
Always do a patch test (if possible).
{Please Note: I have included a link to the Liz earle cleanser (below) but I can’t use this on my face (it flares up). However, I can use it as a brilliant eye makeup remover…go figure!!}
6. Keep it simple
If you are regularly reacting to moisturisers (and other products) try to find formulations that have as few ingredients in them as possible.
You may need to do a bit of research, but they are out there.
{The Body Shop and Avene have great sensitive ranges}
Less is more when it comes to ingredients and controlling redness.
7. Protect your face
Always wear moisturiser.
Wear a hat and large sunglasses in the summer.
Wrap up with a scarf, in winter.
Physically protecting your face really helps.
Wearing makeup can help too.
A thin layer of well applied, good quality foundation provides more protection.
{Check out this online tutorial with fantastic Makeup tips…here.}
Over to you…
Do you react to any brands, or specific products?
What are your ‘triggers’?
Please share your story in the comments, or contact me.