Feeling rotten today?
Don’t worry, you are not alone.
We all have days like that.
You know how it goes.
Life is throwing some major challenges your way…
- Suffering (or recovering) from an illness.
- Undergoing treatment for a condition, or ailment.
- Enduring hormonal changes/fluctuations.
- Experiencing stressful family issues.
- Serious work pressures and struggles.
- Worrying, sleeping badly and waking up exhausted.
Some people are lucky, and get very few days like these.
For others, feeling rotten is a regular occurrence.
But, life (as they say) goes on.
Whether it is an important job that can’t wait, kids that need fed, a dog that needs walked (whatever your life involves) hiding is not an option.
On days like these it is (very) tempting to reach for the jogging bottoms and a comfy sweatshirt BUT feeling like crap does not mean you have to look like crap too.
In fact looking grotty, and giving up, can make matters worse.
I know many people will argue that fashion/style/makeup/shoes are superficial (and shallow) BUT, when the proverbial hits the fan, looking your best (or at least half decent) can really help.
Think of it as armour against adversity.
As a friend recently said:
“They don’t call makeup War Paint for nothing you know!”
The same is true for your fashion choices.

Today is one of those days, for me.
I feel like I had a fight with a hippo, and it then spent the night sleeping on my face.
Not a pretty sight!
“Bleugh” does not even cover it…
My “Get up and give yourself a shake!” outfit, started with comfortable undies.
Days like these are not the time to be be trussed up in anything restrictive, or things that dig in.
Shapewear? No way!
I popped on a pair of beautiful sheer tights too, you can hardly see them on the leg!
I would highly recommend a good quality pair of tights if you live anywhere cool.
Especially if you are little veiny/pale/unevenly coloured on the legs.
These feel great and give me the confidence to go ‘bare’.
Colour was a must today too, and nothing lifts my spirits like a splash of red.
It is my favourite colour.
I decided to wear this vintage silk skirt, again.
(See it styled with blue, here)
This skirt is very 80’s, and lots of fun!
It is also the perfect length to wear with trainers, for a little tongue-in-cheekiness!
Not to mention comfort.
When I feel rubbish I need comfortable feet!

As comfort and simplicity were the order of the day, this (super soft) T-shirt and a slouchy pink belt were all I needed.
A plain watch, tiny pink studs and my favourite bag finished things off perfectly.
I just need a strong coffee and I am good to go!

How to “Fake it” when you feel rubbish:
- Wear your favourite colour, or colours!
- Choose your most comfortable undies.
- Pick clothes in quality fabrics that fit well and make you feel good.
- Choose a bag (or shoes) that you love.
- Choose comfortable items, but avoid those sloppy joggers or wearing leggings as trousers.
- Do your hair and wear a little makeup. Don’t pile it on though, you will look worse (especially over 40).
- Try and Smile, even if it is a little fake at first. Smiling through adversity really does make you feel better!
Please let me know what you think…
What do you do when you feel Rotten?
Do you have any tips for making yourself feel (or at least, look) better?
Share your thought in the comments…or tweet me @samantha4blair
Skirt: Vintage (this one is stunning)
T-shirt: Scotch R’Belle…It’s a kids brand, but the one I am wearing is an age 14 and has plenty of room. (This one is cute!)
Belt: Boden (this one is pretty)
Trainers: Nike (similar)
Watch: Ice
Bag:Bogner…this one is cool too!
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