I’m currently in the middle of a styling course (hosted online by a London University) and during the work I was doing for my weekly assessment I realised something quite interesting about myself. why ill never be.
Something I’d never really considered before.
I realised that I’ll never be CHIC.
It wouldn’t matter what I wore.
Expensive clothes, or the cheapest of cheap rubbish.
A smart outfit, a formal look or a casual one.
It doesn’t matter a jot!
I always give off the same VIBE and it can’t be hidden or “dressed Up”.
Even If I spent all day trying to get ready and wore the highest end clothing I’d still look like me.
In fact, I don’t think anyone can look like anyone else, no matter how hard they try.
{Unless, of course, you’re playing dress-up for a photograph… like my Halloween Harlequin or Creepy Corpse Bride}
We are all unique with our own personal and powerful style.
How we look in clothes depends on the way that we carry ourselves more than the clothes we wear.
I’ll never look like Emmanuelle Alt… even if I wore EXACTLY the same pieces.
(I wish)
I’m okay with it too.
I don’t mind at all.
Much as I would like to look…
- Polished
- Elegant
I never will.
No matter what I wear I always give off an air of “undone”.
My style is definitely CASUAL even when I’m trying my hardest to smarten up!
I’d like to think that there was an effortless vibe about my style BUT you can be the judge of that!
{Be sure to leave me a comment if you agree or disagree!}
If you don’t believe me when I say I’m always on the messy side, check out some “smart” looks…
Even in a gown I give off that casual, just fell out of bed, feeling!
- Christmas Party
- New year party
- Wedding guest
- Event
It’s funny really… I’m just NOT CHIC!
Today, I’m being true to my true happy-to-not-be-chic self and wearing a distinctly UN-CHIC outfit.
This is an easy to wear, casual over-sized look.
Comfortable and wearable.

I feel like there is no point in worrying about how you look or trying to be something you’re not.
You have to find out who you are (and what your personal style is) and run with it.
I’m embracing my casual, slightly scruffy… a bit messy (??effortless) self and you should too!
What is your core style?The real you?
Student throwback?
I’d love to know!If you’re not sure, drop me an email and a couple of photos and I’ll help you find out.

An outfit like the one I’m wearing here makes me feel comfortable, confident and like I’m being true to the real me.
We’ve all been in that situation where we might be wearing an item (or an entire outfit) that isn’t REALLY us.
Maybe we were trying a new look?
Or attempting to impress a date, land a job or look “on trend”?
Even though my style IS CHANGING quite significantly at the moment, and the pieces I want to wear are different from what they were a year ago, I still can’t stop my over-all style vibe shining through everything I put on my body.
We are what we are and if we’re trussed up in something that isn’t US we stick out like a SORE THUMB.
{See what I mean HERE!}
I remember wearing a skirt suit and heels for an interview when I was in my 20s and my goodness I felt awful.
Awkward and a bit silly (I didn’t get the job BTW).
However, when I wore some wide trousers, brogues and a blouse for the next interview and I was hired!
My credentials hadn’t changed, just my attitude and confidence.
Being yourself is always the best idea.
We make our clothes look unique and all of us are stylish is our own way!
JEANS: Borrowed
T-SHIRT: Weekday
JACKET: Zara (very old and bought secondhand)
BAG: Radley (old… Charity shopped)
SCARF: old (probably charity shopped, knowing me!)