Hi Everyone!
How are you doing? yellow trousers breton stripes
I’ve been a bit quiet here at Fake Fabulous recently, and totally absent from social media.
The absence from social is purely because I’m trying to stay away from drama and pity parties.
My blog silence is due to feeling zero motivation.
I’ve been struggling even to get dressed!
Today, however, I’m back (of sorts) to share a little colour and an outfit I didn’t really wear but might have done if I’d been going out somewhere.
The trousers, shoes and jacket went straight back in the wardrobe after these photographs.
Out came some boring navy leggings (gym gear) and my sliders BUT I did wear the top and the hat today!
The hat was handy for keeping the sun off my face while sitting in the garden knitting.
(I’ve turned into my Nan! Knitting projects, pulling them out and re-knitting. I might wear some of my creations when the weather warms up a little… brace yourselves!)
Back to today…
This outfit is a potentially perfect Spring combination.
Stripes and colour.
Classically spring.

Bright yellow trousers and a classic Breton stripe.
These yellow trousers are a few years old now and are sadly on their last legs.
They look okay in these photos but the fabric has gone all saggy and faded.
They seem baggy and sad… especially in the crotch area, which is not the most flattering place to have extra fabric!
They’ve been a great piece in my wardrobe but I feel the time is right to recycle them.
So this will (probably) be their last outing.
Sad times.
The Breton top adds a classic spring-like feel and adding a blazer smartens things up a little.
Ballet flats are not the most flattering footwear (they shorten the leg and thicken the ankle) but they’re easy to slip on and off and look okay with these trousers.
Adding a hat was a simple way to fix my unruly hair!
It’s hardly a ground-breaking look but it has colourful wearability… which is what I love!
Are any of your clothes on their last legs?
Please share in the comments.

TROUSERS: Next (very old)
BLAZER: Armarni (secondhand from eBay)
SHOES: French sole (very old)
HAT: old