Wouldn’t it be nice if we could sail through life without a glitch? bad days eBay pitfalls and charity shop consolation
No major problems.
Not even any minor niggles.
It would be great, wouldn’t it?
I bet there would be no furrowed brows in the world!
However, back in reality, sometimes really bad things happen to us all.
It’s inevitable.
What’s also guaranteed are those silly and annoying little things that happen more regularly than we’d like them to.
Today was one of those annoying little niggle days.
In a nutshell…
I had decided to get back onto eBay after an age away from it.
I’m selling a few pieces that don’t fit me too well, or I’ve only worn once or twice and don’t see myself wearing again.
You know the type of things, don’t you?
We all have them lurking.
Anyway, I am thrilled to sell a coat of mine I’ve only worn a couple of times.
It’s a beautiful coat, only being sold because it’s too tight on the shoulders for me.
{You can see the coat HERE.}
I’m sure any buyer will be thrilled with it.
Yay, I’m all excited!
My first eBay sale in a long while.
Then the inevitable happens…
My single sale turns out to be a disaster.
The buyer claims the coat is damaged (a button has been ripped off tearing the fabric of the coat)… I’m gutted.
I know it was immaculate as I made a point of checking everything carefully before sending.
I want to treat people as I would like to be treated after all.
So this comes as a blow.
So the buyer obviously wants a full refund, plus a postage refund plus I have to pay return postage.
And there’s nothing I can do about it.
Nothing at all.
I just have to write it off as a loss…
The loss of an expensive coat, which is now unusable.
The loss of money.
The loss of my time and effort.
The loss of my faith in eBaying and other eBayers.
Gutted doesn’t even cover it.
So… I’m feeling glum.
What to do?

THE best way to shake off the doldrums is to get a little perspective on things.
Yes, it’s time and money down the pan… plus the loss of an expensive (and beautiful) coat that is now ripped and unwearable.
BUT… it’s only ‘stuff’ isn’t it?
YES, I may be seriously in need of that money this month BUT I still have a roof over my family’s head, and food in our bellies.
It’s only money at the end of the day.
No one is hurt.
Nothing of any real value is lost.
None of the important things in life.
Only my faith in Ebaying!!
So with my moping “poor me” head on I needed to reach for some comforting clothes!

It may sound silly but, in times of need, I always want to wear something colourful and bold.
Colour never fails to lift my mood… no matter how serious (or trivial) my worries are.
Positive dressing is the catalyst for a positive attitude.
And what could be better to ease a sore purse (or an empty bank) than some real Charity Shop bargains!
Oh yes, Great quality items picked up at rock-bottom prices.
Already I’m beginning to forget my eBay hassles and focus on the good things in life!
Please share any little niggles that have ruffled your feathers this week!
I’d love to hear them!
{Oh, and if you’d like to have a nosey as to what I’m selling on eBay my username is Samantha4b… See me HERE!}

HOBBS WOOL DRESS: Charity shopped for £3.00
REISS WOOL COAT: Charity Shopped for £1.50… oh yes!
PINK LEATHER BAG: Charity shopped for £4.00
BIRD BLOUSE: Charity shopped for £1.50
BOOTS: La Redoute (old)
SCARF: New Look (old)