Let’s Talk about Specs Baby | Trends for 2018/19

lets talk about specs baby

I’ve got new specs and they’re causing a bit of a stir!

(Well, as much of a ‘stir’ as a pair of glasses can cause.)

I get my eyes tested every two years and never miss it.
Not just because I need my specs to read (a side effect of being over 40) but because my dad has glaucoma.

Glaucoma is a potentially serious condition
Eye tests are also really useful for picking up other health issues.

However, just because I need glasses for reading doesn’t mean I don’t want them to look nice!
And it certainly doesn’t mean I can’t follow trends.

Glasses are as much a part of an outfit as earrings or any other accessory.

lets talk about specs baby

When Vision Express got in touch I was more than happy to share their brand with you… because I’m already a loyal customer!

{I was not paid to write this post, but Vision Express did gift me these fab glasses.}

Their PR people invited me to my local branch for an eye test (and a pair of glasses of my choice) which made me laugh as I’d just had an eye test and bought a new pair of glasses.
However, a second pair wouldn’t go amiss!

When I was picking my most recent pair (not the ones I’m wearing here) I was drawn away from my previous ‘geek’ style into something lighter (in weight and in colour) and chose a metal framed pair that felt more spring-like, and modern.

However, this time around I decided to go for something even more ‘on-trend’.
Why not!?

Heavy and dark styles are on their way ‘out’ and lightweight frames are coming into favour more and more.

Why not check out Pinterest or Instagram for some inspiration… or look up “Eye wear trends 2018”.
Everything seems to be lighter and brighter.

lets talk about specs baby

I decided to challenge the staff at my local shop to see if they could make me a ‘bespoke’ pair.

I didn’t give them any warning either?
Oops, I am naughty!

To cut a not-very-long-but-still-a-bit-boring story short, I wanted the lens shape from a pair of rimless Versace glasses I had seen, without the Versace label (I’m not really into branded glasses).

Could they make me a pair using their super-fine Lightfly frames BUT with a bigger and bolder lens?

I was pushing the boundaries to see how far they could go!

I must tell you that the staff at my local shop were fantastic.
The Optometrist came to discuss lens options for me (I have the new office lens, which removes the need to put your readers on and off all of the time) and the staff bent over backwards to accommodate my design ‘demands’.

I’m thrilled to bits with the uber-light, bright and breezy frames.
They feel great on my face and make seeing SO much easier!

That may sound daft, but without a heavy frame, I can see so much more.
Plus, they don’t cast shadows and make my bags/dark circles look worse.
(I don’t need any help in that department).
Big Bonus!

Now, I did say earlier that these frames were causing a stir, and they are.

It’s because trends take an AGE to reach my local town and geek glasses are still the thing to wear.
Most people still think rimless are for old maids or middle-aged men.

I’ve had some “Oh… they’re different/interesting/unusual/weird?very big and round” (delete as appropriate) comments.

However, I’m more than happy to embrace this new trend and enjoy the extra light!

Do you follow trends in eyewear?
Do you prefer coloured, dark or lightweight frames?
What about taking readers on and off, does that get on your nerves?

I’d love to hear your opinion on these big glasses and the rimless trend!

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