Social Media Burnout

social media burnout

I’m certainly NOT a lover of social media and I can’t pretend otherwise.

{You could have a look at this post about my feeling s towards social and why I think Facebook the worst!}

  • 5 Reasons I don’t like Social Media.

You could also have a look at…

  • 7 things that might surprise you about blogging.
social media burnout

I’ve been even quieter on social recently… and that’s saying something!
Even my favourite (read: least-ignored) media, Instagram, has been neglected.
I’ve only posted once in the last week and that is BAD if you want to engage and boost those all-important numbers.

Herein lies the problem…
I’ve not really wanted to engage and have had zero interest in boosting my numbers!
I know I shouldn’t say it but it’s true.

I’ve been overloaded with emails and demands.
I’ve been craving peace.
Phone notifications have been turned off.
I’ve not even looked at Facebook (which I don’t like anyway) and don’t feel too bad about it.

social media burnout

Having said that, If I have ignored a comment you have left or not thanked you for a share or a mention, I am sincerely sorry.
I don’t want to be rude.
I certainly don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

I’ve just hit a wall.

{See this post from Thursday that explains a little!}

  • Well worn clothes… and people (i.e. me!)

I don’t know whether it’s the time of the year or a (very) busy work and family life.

{Any parents out there will understand the summer events that pile up… and the constant dishing out of cash!}

I can’t put my finger on it.

However, I want you to know that I still really appreciate your visit and value your opinions.

I’ve enjoyed looking at the links from last week and was secretly pleased to see slightly fewer than normal… also something I shouldn’t be saying as a blogger trying to boost link numbers and engagement.
{I can hear the blogger police at my door!}
But I have to be honest with you… for this week, reading fewer posts felt much more relaxed and manageable.

I’m already feeling refreshed and raring to go!

This week the beautiful Marianna caught my eye… First, with her lovely smile that lights up the screen, and then with her simple post suggesting a few spring fashion shopping ideas.
Just what I needed after a week of ‘bleugh’.

See her full post HERE.

So, please tell me…
What about you?
How are you feeling just now?
Are you in full creative flow?
Or, a bit off?

I’d also LOVE to hear your opinion on social media?
Fun or a necessary evil?

Have a lovely week!

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