Pattern mixing, using a subtle palette of colours.
Wearing a pinafore (bib) dress without looking like you are trying too hard to be ‘young’.
I am not somebody that wants to look ‘younger’.
I have been young (haha, obviously) and although it has it’s major benefits..such as the ability to party all night and still get up for work looking fresh, looking great in obscenely-short denim cutoffs and not needing any makeup in order to have perfect skin.
I am happier, and more confident, now that I am older and (allegedly) wiser.
I know a lot of older women have said this, and a lot of younger women might be thinking;
“Yeah right! You’re just saying that to make yourself feel better about being well and truly past-it.”
“What can be so good about being older?”
“Looking like death-warmed-up on a morning and slowly falling to bits as the years go by!?”
Well, the irony of ageing is… that as we slowly disintegrate, we actually get more comfortable and confident about who we are!
And the best bit is…We care a lot less about what others might be thinking of us, either as a person (we can’t really change who we are inside, take us or leave us) OR in what we wear, how we portray ourselves and our fashion choices.
I am very happy being 41, it is a privilege to have had 41 years of a healthy life.
Many people don’t.
And, believe it or not, I am more than happy looking 41 too.
I think that many women avoid certain trends because they feel that the look could be ‘too young’ for them.
I don’t think that anyone should be avoiding anything that they love just because they are a certain age.
It really makes me mad.
If I want to wear something then, as long as it is not obscene (those denim cut offs need to cover all of my bum now!) or inappropriate for the occasion (said cutoffs at a wedding) then I am going to wear it, thank you very much!
All women, whatever their age, have the right to try a trend they love and have fun with fashion.
I wanted this pinafore dress as soon I saw it.
However, I did swither slightly…
The material is thick enough BUT, it is cheap, and unlined, and quite {read:Very} tight.
I know French Connection do a very chic and much classier version (here).
Mine is short (maybe not for everyone) but I could wear some opaque tights, to keep it on the right side of cheap. Well, it was cheap! £6 instead of the £120 in FC. You know me, I like a bargain.
I paired it with a soft, and feminine, blouse.
It is a sheer fabric in pale pink, with a subtle grey snake print.
The dress itself is black with pale pink pinstripes.
So, this combination gave a really soft, and muted, look.
Black opaque tights could have worked, with different shoes, but I do love my coloured hosiery!
These are a really easy tone to wear (entry level). A dark grey is a great first-time colour to try.
I thought that these tights would go really well with my two-tone booties.
They do not have as chunky a heel as I would normally feel comfortable in, but this was not a ‘walking for miles’ day. It was a taxi, then a train, kind of day so I can cope with this heel.
However, comfort is my priority so I did have a pair of emergency flats in my bag (these ones) just in case.
I think that a chunky boot or shoe would have made the look too ’90’s throwback’ and therefore making me look like I was caught in some kind of fashion time-warp.
This coat was just the thing for a chilly day.
It is quite warm, fully lined and it added another (subtly coloured) pattern to the mix.
I then added my fourth pattern, with this bag.
I thought it brought a little richness to a potentially overly-muted palette.
My husband’s vintage leather tie (from the 70’s!) finished things off perfectly!

How do you feel about getting older?
Are you happy to look your age?
Has age brought confidence? Or made you more self-conscious?
Please let me know in the comments.
I love to hear your thoughts!
Shoes/booties: Betty Jackson (old)
Tights: Gipsy 100
Dress: New Look (bargain bucket!)
Blouse: French connection (this one would look great)
Bag: Charity shop.
Tie: Vintage (my husbands!)…last spotted HERE as a belt, and HERE.
Coat: Boden (I like this one)