Wearing White Jeans in Winter Grey.

How I styled my white jeans, in Winter, with pale grey and fur.

wearing white jeans in winter grey

Does anyone really wear white jeans in Winter?
Or, is it just something fashion bloggers do, for 5 minutes, before dashing back inside and getting quickly back into their black skinnies?

I was worried about getting (very quickly) grubby and feeling yucky all day.
White clothes and Winter weather don’t go together very well, do they?

However, after giving it some thought, I decided that getting dirty in the Winter was no different to getting dirty in the Summer.

Summer dirt comes from sitting outside (grass stains and grubby marks from benches) and eating outside (ice-cream slitters and ketchup blobs). Things also get dusty (especially feet, in sandals). Then there are suncream stains…all in all, a lot of chances to get filthy on a Summer’s day, yet we would not think twice about wearing white in Summer, would we?

Winter dirt is usually weather related.
The thought of dirty water splashing all over our white clothes is awful. Who wants to be soggy and grubby all day? Not me!
However, if you think about it, most of your sitting and eating is done indoors during the Winter.
No suncreams, no ice creams, no grass stains… so, Winter living might actually be cleaner than in Summer!

So, if the weather is my only foe, I decided to beat it by wearing a long waterproof coat (See the post where I wear it with glow-in-the-dark wellies)…not very glam, I admit, but a great cover-all to get me from A to B in one piece.

And, to avoid any dirty puddles, I wore my chunky boots again.
Only the highest of splashes could reach my white jeans in these.

Carrying on with the pale-colour theme, I chose some grey wool socks to wear with my boots and a pale grey jumper.
This jumper is such a lovely item.
It is so fluffy and comfortable, but the fluff gets EVERYWHERE.
If you look at my headshot you can see some of the fluff attached to my eyebrow.
I am surprised that this jumper is not completely bald!

Fortunately, it makes up for its over-fluffyness by being very warm and quite pretty.
I love the button back and the patterned yolk.
It gives me a Scandinavian vibe…so I decided to add a (faux) fur trapper hat.
This hat is both practical and fun.
The ear flaps come down for very cold and windy days (I have worn it like that many times).
You can’t help but smile in a ridiculous hat like this!
Simple studs finished things off nicely, any more in the way of accessories would have detracted from the textures of the outfit.
Sometimes we don’t need much to make a statement!

wearing white jeans in winter grey
wearing white jeans in winter grey

These chunky boots are not for the shy…but I love them!

Do you wear white in Winter?
How do you style yours….and keep it dirt-free?
Please Share any tips and tricks in the comments…. or tweet me @samantha4blair

Jumper : Mint Velvet (New Season version…on sale!)
Jeans : ME&EM (70% off now…a bargain!)
Boots : Shellys (These are more neutral, but still fierce!)
Hat : Old (similar)
Socks : M&S

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