What should I wear to a Birthday BBQ?
A leopard print dress and lace tights.

My Beautiful (and fabulous) friend was turning 50 last week, so last night she was hosting a birthday party barbecue.
I knew it was going to be lots of fun!
I brought my trusty little camera along and eagerly took some snaps of the beautiful ladies attending.
There were some lovely people to meet and some great outfits to admire.
This is also the first time I have had the confidence to say to strangers,
“I have a blog….please check it out”
Quite a big step for me!
As I got my camera out, I could see people looking nervous.
Almost everyone needed cajoled slightly and they all seemed to be apologetic about some aspect of themselves… this made me very sad.
How could a group of such interesting, intelligent and beautiful ladies not feel comfortable in front of a camera?
I had every intention of posting some images of them looking fabulous…clutching glasses of bubbles and having a great time BUT I am not sure if it was my own glass of bubbles (or the wrong settings on my camera) but as I uploaded the pictures onto my computer I realised that they were all rubbish.
Out-of-focus or over-exposed…or both.
VERY annoying!!
The only one that seemed to be half decent, is of me and the Birthday Girl herself.
The photo may be poor, but it sums up the party nicely.
We were having a great time, lots of laughs and plenty to smile about!
She is one of the most vivacious, unapologetic and beautiful people I know.
Not needing any persuading to step in front of the camera.

The whole point of this post was to prove that fabulous style and fashion sense (and that va va voom-factor) is there without constraints.
Style is not something that stops after 30….or above a size 8…or under model height (5′ 8″)…or when you become a mother….or in the face of adversity…or EVER for that matter!
Style is attainable for everyone, regardless.
Luckily, this single photograph seems to say all of that….happiness is truly beautiful!
So, because last night’s photographs were appalling, I quickly put on the clothes I had worn and asked my husband to take some more.
Afterwards, I realised that I had forgotten to put on my earrings…but you get the idea!
The weather was going to be typically unpredictable and I had been warned that the grass in her garden would be like a quagmire… so ankle boots were required.
My leopard dress was given it’s first outing.
I had been concerned that it was a bit on the twee side, and slightly frumpy? So I chose these lace tights to give it a bit of zing.
My vintage leather Gent’s tie was used as a belt (last seen HERE)
Luckily I had taken a scarf (and a cardigan) with me….as it turned quite chilly.

I had a great time, meeting some lovely people and eating some amazing food.
Her husband was a whizz on the grill…and he was even keeping the drinks topped up to!
(Brownie points?? off the scale!!!)
My friend was like a whirling dervish in the kitchen…she is a fantastic cook…and bakes beautifully.
We were all spoilt rotten!
Do older people have more fun at a party? I certainly think so!
What would you wear to a BBQ where you are?
Dress: Boden
Tights: Leg avenue
Boots: Coolway @redoute
Clutch bag: Primark
Wrap: Tkmaxx
Cardigan: Benetton
Belt: Vintage (it’s a tie!)