Today I’m celebrating my new blog template, and my new inspiration for the (blogging) year ahead. 3 things to do during summer slump
{Please let me know your thoughts on the new layout in the comments}
For me, the ‘Blogging year’ starts in July…
Weird right?
I was trying to figure out why.
Maybe it’s because I started blogging mid June (2015) and hit my stride in July.
Maybe it’s because summer always seems like a great time to start new things.
Or, maybe it’s because the ‘Summer Slump’ starts in June, and July is the perfect time to do some Blog improvements.
July feels like it is full of new opportunities to make the next 12 (blogging) months productive, and lots of fun!
Summer Blogging Slump
The summer slump is a phenomenon many of you will be familiar with.
The drop in productivity during the warm “Let’s go outside and have fun” months.
It happens to teachers as their pupils become less productive.
It happens to bloggers as their traffic drops off.
It happens in all walks of life!
There is no need to worry, or panic about it.
Turn the slump on it’s head and use it at an opportunity.
3 Things to Do During the Summer Blogging Slump
1. Tidy up your blog layout and sidebar
Delete any widgets you don’t use or are not floating your boat anymore… be ruthless!
Check your social media links and widgets are working.
Sort through your blogroll (mine is on the right) and update with new blogs and/or delete blogs that are no longer active.
Experiment with your blog layout/fonts/colour scheme.
Shuffle things around and have fun!
2. Update!
Tidy up your social media pages.
Update your social profile pictures and favicon, if needed.
Have a look for new and interesting content to share on your media channels.
Find some more like-minded people to follow… like me 😘!
Update older “popular” posts.
Check your blog for broken links.
Try to improve your SEO… you can easily check online and make a few recommended changes.
3. Move forward and make plans
If you are hoping to monetise your blog and/or work with brands get yourself a Media page.
Try a new social media platform or engage more on the ones you use.
Make notes about new blog posts as and when you feel inspired.
(I always carry a tiny notebook with me.)
Keep an open mind when it comes to finding inspiration.
It can come at the strangest of times!
{See this post}
Connect with other bloggers and/or directly with brands…. who knows what can happen?!
Turn the slump into something positive for you and your blog.
Take some risks and have fun!