FOMO, or fear of missing out, is SO common in people of all ages. how to avoid fomo summer
So, what causes this feeling of missing out on something important?
In a word… Media.
Whether it’s clever marketing in a glossy magazine or Social media stories.
The fear of missing out on the latest wonder-product (or event) is real.
{Read about my experience with Heist tights HERE when my friend bought me a pair after seeing an advert on Facebook}

Social media can be the worst culprit.
Or, more specifically too much social media.
Facebook and Instagram are notorious for bombarding us with adverts and videos.
Telling us all about the latest amazing item/product that will change our lives.
Or, portraying other peoples lives as perfect.
According to Social Media, everyone else has…
- Perfect skin, makeup, brows and hair.
- Children that never misbehave or argue.
- Teens that are a delight to be around at all times.
- Perfect attentive husbands.
- Amazing immaculate homes.
- A calendar filled with non-stop fabulous social events.
Life appears to be one big-perfectly-coiffed-party.
You may end up feeling like your life, family, friends (and appearance) are falling seriously short.
Well, guess what?
It’s all a load of old bollocks!
If that face cream was so effective why don’t women in their 50’s all look 25?
If the party was so amazing why were the guests on their phones posting on Social?
If you have time (and inclination) to get your phone out at a party then that tells me the party was bor-ing!

FOMO may sound like a stupid fad BUT it is a real struggle.
So, how can you manage those pangs of envy, or urges to shop?
1. Realise the grass is NOT greener, and the roses don’t smell any sweeter.
That face cream or magic tights will NOT make you instantly look younger and thinner.
Only filters and photoshop do that!
{Besides, the model is about 15}
That person’s life is NOT perfect.
Nobody has a perfect life.
Anyone who is keen to tell you about how amazing their life is probably has more problems than you do!
2. Try to cut back on Social media.
Be honest with yourself.
How long do YOU spend scrolling and watching videos?
It’s probably way too long.
I know I spend too long, and I hardly ever look at twitter or Faceache (oops … I mean ‘book’)
Watching the seemingly beautiful doing glamorous things in designer shoes is depressing.
Try to take things with a pinch of salt and restrict your ‘checking up’ to once a day… and no, once a day does not mean from 8am until 10pm!
3. Host your own REAL party!
Why not arrange a meet-up, party or event with your friends/family and focus on having fun.
Try and avoid ‘posting’ and simply enjoy the moment.
You could even put a lighthearted ban on devices!
It will feel great to let loose with no fear of it being recorded and shared.
You’ll have some serious fun for real, instead of trying to prove to the rest of the world how much fun you’re having.
Are you guilty of spending too much time on Social Media?
What about FOMO?
Do you ever buy items because of clever marketing then feel let down?
Or feel a pang of envy as you scroll through your feed?
I’d love to hear about it!
Leave a comment… or contact me by sending an email to fakefabulous.com(at)gmail.com
This week’s LINK UP is open for 3 weeks… it’s the summer blog slump and I’m going to be doing some bloggy housekeeping.
Please pop back and add more of your work, if you’d like to… and let me know if you’re making any changes to your blog this summer.
I’d love to hear all about them!
{Read more about preparing for the summer slump HERE and try THIS POST which has some housekeeping ideas!}