Wearing bright colours with a splash of black.
Styling an oversized scarf.
This outfit post was going to be all about styling a bright and colourful, oversized snood.
Which can be an overwhelming and tricky item.
Especially if you do not have a lot of ‘big hair’ to puff out and play with.
There is a danger of looking like you have no neck, or your head is a cherry perched on top of a giant bun.

Anyway, as I began to write about the trouble with oversized snoods, I started to think about the trouble with black.
The ever-present, all-consuming, black…and more specifically, the dreaded black trouser.
Now, please don’t get me wrong here.
I don’t have anything against wearing black (I am wearing it today) or black trousers (I love my black jeans).
BUT, I do have a serious dislike of those cheap polyester things (you know the ones I mean).
Ill-fitting, unflattering, made of thin shiny fabric, shapeless, clingy….yuck yuck yuck!
Unfortunately these style-killers are everywhere.
I often hear the phrase:
“Oh, it doesn’t matter, they’ll do for my work.”
Well, unless you dress to the nines at home, or are a social butterfly; Out every night at fantastic events and busy all weekend with various activities. Then you probably spend most of your time dressed for work.
So, you spend most of your life wearing something that will “just do”.
I know it is a cliche, but life really is too short to “just do” every day.
Why save nice things for best?
“It might get ruined at work.”
Well, yes it might, BUT is that any worse than it hanging unworn in your wardrobe, slowly dating and rotting away?
I really don’t think so.
Is it not better to have worn and lost, than to have never worn at all?
I understand that these black trousers are comfortable, a safe option, and I know that everyone else is wearing them…But ladies, you deserve better!
If you were dressing a friend, would you reach for those black trousers or would you say:
“You have a teeny waist and you would look amazing in this!”
{Produces full skirt and fitted knit with a big smile}
Your friend is beautiful and fabulous, isn’t she?
Those dowdy black trousers wouldn’t do her any favours, right?
So why put them on YOU?
You can and should be a friend to yourself.
“But, I need to loose half a stone before I buy any new clothes/put on a dress/wear colour.”
Don’t give me that!
You are alive TODAY.
Go and get something that fits you TODAY.
You may never loose that half stone.
If you do, go and treat yourself again to something new.
And, besides, black doesn’t actually make you look slimmer.
“But I am too old/fat/tall/short/busty/flat-chested…[blah blah blah]…so what is the point of dressing up?”
None of us are perfect.
We all have our flaws, but we also all have our beauty.
If you could see yourself through the eyes of your friends you would see how amazing you are.
Whether it is your beautiful eyes, great legs, amazing hair, teeny waist, curvy hips…whatever.
I bet they do not see your ‘problem areas’ as much of a problem as you do.
My point is; Be brave and break free!
Try that colour.
Get those legs out.
Have FUN with your clothes.
Hang on a minute….What if you really love black?
And you love wearing trousers too!
Well, there is nothing wrong with that.
Black trousers can be super chic.
Why not find a more structured pair in a more interesting shape than those nasty ones that are trailing on the ground at your heel?
- Cigarette trousers with brogues…Cold ankles? Wear some good quality funky socks.
- Capri’s with ballet shoes, booties or pumps….If you are brave, they look chic with lace tights or fishnets underneath (honestly).
- Tapered and tailored wool, with high-heeled loafers.
- High waisted and wide legged with chunky, block heeled boots.
- Skinny trousers (or jeans) with Mary-Janes/booties/Ghilies/OTK boots….oh, anything goes, really!
The list could go on and on.
With so many different styles out there at various price points, there is no excuse.
So please step away from those old polyester faithfuls and give something else a try.
You deserve it!

My polyester, black trouser rant is over, Thank goodness!
So, I am finally getting to the point of this post…..
I really wanted to wear this oversized snood again (I wore it for work with blue skinnies and my pear-coloured cardigan see a snippet HERE from Instagram).
It has so many colours in it, that I was spoilt for choice but I decided to go for some more pink.
Hot pink really warms up a chilly day.
This skirt is actually a long-sleeved dress but, as the thermometer was struggling to get into double figures, I layered this colourful cropped jumper over it.
(I last wore the jumper HERE with skinny jeans.)
These two colours don’t ‘go’, but they are of a similar intensity.
Similar intensity colours can work well, especially if you use an accessory to pull everything together.
If you are trying to mix tricky colours, finding another item that contains all of your colours can magically make them work.
This is often a scarf but can also be other patterned items. Shoes work really well, if you can find them!
The three bright items in this outfit needed toned down ever so slightly.
So, I used my black sleeveless jacket (last seen with my vintage skirt, here, at a wedding, here, and with Tartan trousers, here) and black opaques with black boots.
I would normally reach for coloured tights…as you have probably realised by now!
But, the black just seemed to ground everything and allowed my snood to do most of the work.
I loved wearing this outfit, easy and comfortable but with a colourful punch.
Colour can really lift your mood and make you smile, therefore effecting every person you meet that day. Spreading a little joy!
Go on, why not try some colour tomorrow?
Do you know someone who needs to break out of their ‘black trouser uniform’ into some colour?
We all know that saying that:
“If someone puts you down enough you start to believe it.”
But remember, that the opposite is also true!
You could tell your friend she has beautiful legs and what a crime it is to hide them away.
Maybe it will boost her confidence just enough to give that dress she loves (but never wears) a go.
Please let me know how you get on….or tweet me a picture @samantha4blair.
I love to hear from you!
Bag: Primark
Sleeveless coat: French Connection
Jumper: Illustrated people
Snood: Asos
Dress: Baukjen
Tights: M&S (too shiny and not that cheap)
Boots: Coolway (last worn here, to a party!)
I thought I would leave you with this shot of me checking my tights….
“Hang on a minute….Are these tights shiny?? I think they are!! Arrgggghhh!!!”
Oh dear ….I am guilty of not taking my own hosiery advice (see that post HERE).