There are plenty of “How To” articles online regarding wearing red and mixing colours BUT….
At the end of the day, all that really matters is what YOU like and what YOU want to wear.
Forget the rules and go with what makes you feel good.

Red is one of my favourite colours.
It is up there with orange (see THIS POST on how to wear orange, or any bright colour).
So, I’m going all-out red today!
What is your favourite colour family?

This bird print dress is an old favourite of mine and never fails to cheer up a dull day.
I decided to wear it with a striped top underneath.
Mostly for warmth but also to mix things up a bit!
Adding stripes works with most outfits.
{I’ve worn stripes many times…see some of them HERE, HERE and HERE.}
Stripes are such an easy way to mix patterns (leopard is another easy mixer!)
Mixing a couple of (easy) patterns is a sure-fire way to make your outfit appear more detailed, and interesting.

Can we talk about shoes?
I don’t know about you, but much as I love the look of heels, sometimes I need the practicality of a ‘comfortable’ shoe.
What if the so-called comfortable shoe is not as comfortable as you hoped it would be?
What if it pinches or causes pain?
That’s what happened with these red gutties 😒.

I have always wanted a pair of red pumps like these.
They are bright and cheerful, and of course Converse are classics.
Everyone talks about how great they are, and how they go with everything.
Unfortunately, these red gutties are so uncomfortable.
Despite being the right size, and long enough, they squeeze the side of my foot (and my feet are narrow) ..Ouch!
Luckily I picked them up in a charity shop, for less than £10, so no real harm done.
{More money for a local hospice is always a good idea.}
I may re-donate them if they don’t break in a little.
Do canvas shoes ever break in, or is that just wishful thinking !?
Have you ever been disappointed with a supposedly comfortable pair of shoes?
Please share your thoughts in the comments.
DRESS: Fever London… this one is lovely.
TOP: H&M…similar.
NECKLACE: Charity shop find…similar.
COAT: Boden
BAG: Vintage… similar.