What happens when you try to take your own Blog photographs?

Using a tripod to take your own photographs.

Blogging photography fails.

Picture the scene…My husband was away and I was itching to show you my latest outfit.
So the obvious thing to do, was a little D.I.Y.
I decided to take my own blog photos.

Loads of other people do it….it must be a piece of cake, right?

Set up the tripod.
Secure the camera.
Set the scene.
Do a test shot.
Go for it.
Brilliant photographs await!

Right?…Erm?… Wrong!!

Here I am I my “perfectly set up” shot……

what happens why you try to take your own Blog

Oh dear!
Not exactly what I had planned.
I had seriously underestimated the time and skill involved.
What an eye opener.

  • There was Loads of fiddling with the camera and settings to do…it took an age (even with all the fiddling, it still went wrong).
  • The drama of the wind blowing a hoolie….hair blowing all over my face, leaves whipping about everywhere.
  • Me fearing for the camera’s life as it is perched on top of a pretty cheap tripod in the wind.
  • Jake was rushing around threatening to knock into said tripod (so most of my shots were of me shouting at the dog or looking confused).

I took about 300 photos (setting the camera on a timer to take 10 shots at a time) before I really had to stop.
All of them were rubbish.
The ones I am showing you (below) were adjusted and cropped to salvage something from my efforts.
Apologies to you all…but at least my head is in them!
You can see some of the outfit I was attempting to show you.

what happens why you try to take your own Blog

This dress is a cheap and cheerful bargain from TkMaxx.
Unlined and made with a poor fabric, but it works okay with a full slip and a long-sleeved t-shirt underneath (no photographs of that, sorry…they were even worse than these!).
I teamed it with this cropped biker jacket (last seen here when I decided to go all minimalist(ish)).
This jacket is so soft and comfortable, and leather is surprisingly warm to wear.
I wore my dark green tights with it (see a post about wearing coloured tights here) and my oxblood cut-out boots that I can hardly take off my feet so far this autumn! (last seen here).
My cute little red bag and teal scarf were the perfect finishing touches.

what happens why you try to take your own Blog

The easiest shot of the day…a shoefie.
I love photographing shoes next to the beautiful autumn leaves.
Phew, at least something worked!

So, my self-photography efforts were a major fail…MUCH more practise is needed (there are not enough hours in the day for all of the blogging tasks I want to do!)
Also, this whole process highlighted the need for me to buy a remote control for my camera (more expense).

I am going to have to try again soon though, as the nights are getting dark.
Photographs will need to be taken on my day off…by little old me. Gulp.
Maybe I could train Jake to take them instead?
He couldn’t do any worse than I did here!

To all of the self-photographing bloggers out there…My hat goes off to you. How you do it? I am in awe (and envy) of your skills.

Have you ever attempted to take photographs without someone behind the camera?
How did you get on?
Please let me know in the comments…especially if you have any great tips!

Dress: Closet London (this one is nice, and good for layering)
Jacket: Superdry (here it is in black)
Scarf: Charity shop (this one is nice)
Tights: Gipsy (these come in funky & fun colours too)
Boots:La redoute
Bag: A gift from my son. (this one is great.)

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